The Situation

You arrive to your new department optimistic to learn;
only to hear that someone there was gunning for the position you have been
given. However she is not yet qualified academically to meet the educational
requirements of the job. However because this person has a lot of experience on
the ground level work, she is now depended on to pass on this knowledge to you
so that you can have a holistic understanding of how this ground level work
feeds into your portfolio of work.
Things Unfold
You are greeted with smiles and apparent
friendliness at first, however little inconspicuous incidents take place to
make you wonder... am I being SABOTAGED?!
The subordinate beings to misinform you. She, on
a number of occasions pass to you incorrect information about processes
and procedures. Upon confronting her she claims that she is horrible at
relaying information.
A few more situations occur where you sensed
mild irritation when giving instructions.
UNTIL the monster, in a flash reveals herself
and then quickly goes back into hiding.
You miss something that appears to be an error.
Your saboteur could not wait to sound the trumpets!! "Oh hear ye, hear ye
a Major catastrophic error has been made! This is going to be bad. Oh hear
She parades herself up and down the office
corridors, eagerly awaiting the boss to tell of the error.
The boss arrives and the saboteur does as
expected but goes even further as to glorify herself in the process, not caring
that you are standing two feet away hearing it all.
Two Faced
But her expectations are dampened on hearing that
it really isn't a major error and within the blink of an eye the monster
disappears. Five minutes later the sweet friendly version of herself comes to
you pretending to be nice and give advice.
How to Deal?
You have to work with this individual every day.
How should one deal with this?
Do you confront her, to let her know you see her
for who she is; a sly snake out with a vengeance?
Do you pretend that all is well and allow this
person to go about their mission of sabotage?
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